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We had navy blue knickers that came down to your knees.
That’s all we’d wanted to hear.
Ladies don't sit at sherry evenings.
Christine Ankerson -
People always ask me if the RAF is racist
Balbir Flora -
Whatever happened they would go through it together.
John Butcher -
55,000 souls on board
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey -
The Dengineers built me a WWII plane themed den
Phillip Langham -
Art isn't about them and us. It's just about us.
Sara Waymont -
Being part of the RAF Family is the best feeling in the world
Ian Sweet -
We'd never eaten baked beans.
Peter Ramrayka -
A Lysander flew over and dropped a message
Sean Maffett -
I want to show respect for the generation that fought in the war
Phillip Langham