Stories from Falkland Islands
Stories from across the globe
North Sea ferry in the wrong sea
There are still cluster bombs lying around to the west of Stanley
Ross Boyens -
The real threat was the weather
Chris Keeble -
It was hard to hit a target accurately
Mike Beech -
Juggling fuel
The higher I climbed, the more the windscreen started to break up
Murdo Macleod -
The GR3 made a significant contribution to victory
Dr Peter Johnston -
I'd just bombed them. Didn't think they'd be too pleased to see me.
Robert Iveson -
I became slightly obsessed with penguins.
Louise Henton -
I had a gun. I could kill someone.
Aswin Rana -
The parachuting started to get competitive
Sgt Georgie Smith -
I'd have been quite happy to go in at less than 100 ft
Martin Withers -
It was the most beautiful sight in the world
Martin Withers -
It's ridiculous to believe that an aircraft can be lucky
Andy Lawless -
Someone had been shot down the day before we arrived
Mike Beech -
This was turbulence at a level I had never experienced before
Mike Beer -
You needed to build the confidence that you would survive
Murdo MacLeod -
We had to ensure those ships weren't attacked
Tony Cowan