Stories from United Kingdom
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What's life like after the RAF ?
Kenny Napier -
Father was pulled from a burning plane
Peter Woods -
Mum and Dad fell in love on the roof of the Air Ministry
Gill Robinson -
The safety of the casualty comes last.
Ayla Holdom -
We had to strip to our knickers
Lily Jepson -
People stopped swearing. It made no sense at all.
Ayla Holdom -
What was my purpose? Why was I here?
Alice McDermott -
I used to be really shy.
Hannah Walker -
The Ops Room
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
55,000 souls on board
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey -
In my mind I could hear my Nan telling me what I should do.
Lauren Smith -
He wasn't a prince. He was part of the team.
Ayla Holdom -
They weren't to know this little old lady had broken the sound barrier.
Candida Adkins -
Seeing that plane again has been an emotional experience.
Dave Chambers -
At the time we knew it was a privilege to work on the TSR-2.
Dave Chambers -
We'd never eaten baked beans.
Peter Ramrayka -
We lost twelve Whitleys but they were replaced the next day
Ian Brownlee -
I could hear the crowd cheering even above the noise of four Merlin engines
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey -
I was paid 2p per day less than my male colleagues
Julie Brierley -
I've sometimes marched off in the wrong direction.
Cadet Holden, A -
We were very unpopular with the rest of the WAAF.
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
If you were caught, they'd knock seven bells out of you.
Trevor Morris -
You'd wait to hear about the boy you'd been dancing with.
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
She had plenty of power and liked being used.
Ayla Holdom -
Nobody really knows what happened
Sean Maffett -
That was one of the saddest days.
Dave Chambers -
If you had brown skin, you had to polish your boots a bit harder.
Peter Ramrayka -
I'm a more confident person, in the best possible way.
Cadet Holden, A -
We were playing out the Cold War for real.
Aswin Rana -
Bridgnorth was cold in the 60s.
Peter Ramrayka -
The engine was on fire as it made its final approach
David Cunningham -
Even Hitler stopped for Christmas
Martin Lang -
No-one had jumped from 40,000 ft before
Peter Keane -
I had no intention of becoming a chef
Peter Keane -
The TSR 2 had broken down on the runway
Peter Keane -
I was in a Typhoon, protecting London
Dicky Patounas