Stories from United Kingdom Canada
Stories from across the globe
The first transatlantic flight, 14th June 1919
Signing up in 1942
Air crash in training
My Dad picked Mom up from the station in a sled pulled by horses
Lynn Martin -
What's life like after the RAF ?
Kenny Napier -
If you last a fortnight you'll be lucky
Anonymous ground crew -
We never walked under the Blue Steel
Brian Burgess -
They were just kids
War is war
Harris knew his stuff
They really were a team
I've been honoured by The Queen twice
Balbir Flora -
I used to be really shy.
Hannah Walker -
The Ops Room
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
55,000 souls on board
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey -
In my mind I could hear my Nan telling me what I should do.
Lauren Smith -
He wasn't a prince. He was part of the team.
Ayla Holdom -
They weren't to know this little old lady had broken the sound barrier.
Candida Adkins -
Seeing that plane again has been an emotional experience.
Dave Chambers -
At the time we knew it was a privilege to work on the TSR-2.
Dave Chambers -
We'd never eaten baked beans.
Peter Ramrayka -
We lost twelve Whitleys but they were replaced the next day
Ian Brownlee -
I could hear the crowd cheering even above the noise of four Merlin engines
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey -
I was paid 2p per day less than my male colleagues
Julie Brierley -
I've sometimes marched off in the wrong direction.
Cadet Holden, A -
We were very unpopular with the rest of the WAAF.
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
If you were caught, they'd knock seven bells out of you.
Trevor Morris -
You'd wait to hear about the boy you'd been dancing with.
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
She had plenty of power and liked being used.
Ayla Holdom -
Nobody really knows what happened
Sean Maffett -
That was one of the saddest days.
Dave Chambers -
If you had brown skin, you had to polish your boots a bit harder.
Peter Ramrayka -
I'm a more confident person, in the best possible way.
Cadet Holden, A -
We were playing out the Cold War for real.
Aswin Rana -
Bridgnorth was cold in the 60s.
Peter Ramrayka -
The engine was on fire as it made its final approach
David Cunningham