Stories from across the globe
We do our best at the very edge of our limits.
David Waddington -
The missions they fly, the places they can land...It’s phenomenal.
Sara Waymont -
Art isn't about them and us. It's just about us.
Sara Waymont -
These are the guys that make it work.
Sara Waymont -
Airliners? It's like driving a bus.
Trevor Edwards -
Nobody really knows what happened
Sean Maffett -
The guards wanted us to smell nice.
Bob Ankerson -
It's a privilege to have one of 'The Few' in our family
Sean Maffett -
It's the pin-up girls that keep people going.
Sara Waymont -
It felt as if war was imminent. And we were very scared of that
Ralph Levy -
They had never met a Jewish boy before
Ralph Levy -
The bombing had taken its toll. There wasn't much left
Ralph Levy -
There was no way out for us
Benny Goodman -
Juggling fuel
The higher I climbed, the more the windscreen started to break up
Murdo Macleod -
If we're not off by lunchtime, we'll be dead
SAS Mayday -
A handshake and a pat on the back
We train for it all the time, but you never think it's going to happen
You could just sense the occasion
Pride and pressure
Challenges you wouldn't have in a normal aeroplane
Mathew Stannard -
We're a very tight knit crew
Sqdn Ldr Mathew Stannard -
I'd just bombed them. Didn't think they'd be too pleased to see me.
Robert Iveson -
I'm here to see the art. Everything else can wait.
Sara Waymont -
He managed to land the plane without lowering the undercarriage
Sean Maffett -
My RAF friends will be there forever
Trevor Edwards -
My uncle was one of 'The Few' but he was no-one special
Sean Maffett -
Unless I tell him something I'm going to die.
Robbie Stewart -
Once you see the missile you have 3.5 seconds until impact.
David Waddington -
He was so grateful to be rescued, he offered us a crate of champagne.
Nicky Smith -
That's why they do it.
Sara Waymont -
Do they know who I am? I'm just a kid from Woolwich
Trevor Edwards -
These young men thought they would live forever
Sean Maffett -
The one plane you wanted to be on was the Belfast
Sean Maffett -
I knew that unless I got help quickly I would die.
Robbie Stewart -
Like boy racers hanging out of a Tornado.
Sara Waymont -
War is dark and terrible. And sometimes funny.
Sara Waymont -
Without the Mulberry D-Day couldn't have gone ahead
Ralph Levy -
The German's acted as if they'd won the war
Ralph Levy -
Someone had been shot down the day before we arrived
Mike Beech -
This was turbulence at a level I had never experienced before
Mike Beer -
You needed to build the confidence that you would survive
Murdo MacLeod -
We had to ensure those ships weren't attacked
Tony Cowan -
We had no idea what we were dealing with
Air Cdre David McLoughlin CBE -
Anywhere in the world, if you are injured, if you are sick, we will get you home
Air Cdre David McLoughlin CBE -
W1048 sank 92ft to the bottom of a lake
Ewan Burnet -
Without the network space is useless to you
Air Marshal Harvey Smyth -
We didn't realise the magnitude of what we've just done
A memory that will live forever